it was Walter. Walter Pink Pidgeon, to be more exact.
Anyway, aside from the surprise attacks, Walter was very friendly and obliging as the Underground Artists took over his territory for the afternoon. Kristen made some of the most unusual, delectable desserts ever seen in the Sierra, and some very tart (!) mulled wine... although that was easily remedied with some extra honey...
Thank you to everyone who stopped by. We are so grateful for friends and patrons who are making this possible. My apologies to Mark and Jen Dulyanai, our Senseis at Blue Lake Aikido; the "fix your photo" program has no special tool for "focus"! (see blurry photo above)
OK, well even though I couldn't make it, someone wore my favorite color (royal purple), so I feel represented in some way. Everyone in the photos looked relaxed and happy, so I'd say it looks like a success from the virtual window!
Yes, the Purple Person is Lucie King; do you remember her? A good time was had by all...
I like the post title on this one...
makes me laugh...
even if I did write it...
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